612 N. Park Street,, Kalamazoo, MI 49007

People Helping People

Some NACD Project Highlights & History

2012- PRESENT Secured land to build 4 family housing units and expand vocational assessment . Expanding training options, provide certified (CNA), construction and soon robotics training while continuing to lease space to neighborhood business owners such as childcare and accounting agencies 2018-Completed development of 3 duplexes for seniors aged 62+, 2013 completed new construction of…
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NACD finds great value in the people, businesses, culture and history on the Northside of Kalamazoo. We offer authentic, deliberate investment and support to our residents. We have an ongoing commitment to preservation and growth and strive to select partners who represent that same dedication.


Anticipated staffing needs 2021 Pending: Assistant Director, Volunteer Coordinator, Two Custodians, Education Coordinator, Receptionist. Feel free fill out the NACD INQUIRY/INTEREST FORM if interested in growing with us.


NACD is a safe place to express, feel, learn and create. Our programs take many forms, but always focus on uplifting resident families.